Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Voice of Victory: The creative power of God’s Word!

The Voice of Victory: The creative power of God’s Word!

By Bishop David Oyedepo
Every lasting miracle is a function of contact with the Word of God. God’s Word is the custodian of all supernatural manifestations. Once God’s Word gains entrance into you, you have compelled the manifestation of signs and wonders. The moment you encounter God’s Word on any issue, you have switched on the miraculous! God’s Word is the carrier of God’s power. It is the Word that makes you a living wonder. No accomplishment or miracle is genuine, until it is founded upon the Word.
The Scripture says: “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law” (Psalm 119:18). God’s Word is full of wonders. You can frame what you want to make happen, with a deep spiritual insight from God’s Word. It is only what you make happen that happens. If you do nothing, you get nothing! You cannot be a living wonder in isolation. There is what you must engage, in order to be an unquestionable wonder by God’s Word. Every issue of life answers to the authority of the Word, death inclusive (Hebrews 1:3).
Faith does not look for solutions, faith creates solutions. God’s Word does not show you the solutions, it creates solutions when believed. Therefore, the Word is not just informative, it is essentially creative (John 1:1-5). Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). So, the Word remains as creative today as it was in Genesis 1:1-3. All that God said, God saw. So, the Words that were spoken by God created what God intended.
What kinds of Words qualify to be Creative?
Right Words: The Bible says: “How forcible are right words” (Job 6:25). The word ‘forcible’ here also connotes creative. It’s not just words, but right words.
A Word in season: This is the word that applies to the particular situation that you are confronted with (Isaiah 50:4). A word in season is the reason for the searches that we make, to locate the right word that deals with that challenge and puts it under control.
A Sent Word: “He sent His word”, and it healed them (Psalm 107:20). It creates new organs, perfects damaged organs and it replaces battered organs. He also sent a Word into Jacob, and it changed his destiny. The Lord sent a Word into Jacob, and it lighted upon the whole of Israel (Isaiah 9:8). So, it takes Right Words, Words in Season and Sent Words to command supernatural creation. It is not just quoting scriptures that creates a future, it is engaging the right scriptures, scriptures in season, and the sent Word.
What to do with the Right Word, the Word in Season, and the Sent Word:
Believe it: Believe the validity of that Word as it relates to the situation that you are confronted with. Believe that this is the Word of God. When you believe it, it converts it into power (Romans 1:16). It’s not just to write the right words down or to paste them on the doorpost of your house. It’s not to keep quoting the sent Word; it is first and foremost to believe it. It is believing the Word in Season, the Sent Word, and the Right Word that converts it to power. It is your faith that converts God’s Word sent to you into power.
Declare it: It is your declaration that empowers the revelation you have believed to deliver result. For the Word to release its creative power, it must be released from your mouth. Only the spoken Word creates. Believing it is not enough. Believing it turns it into power, and speaking it turns it into a creative force.

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