Friday, November 12, 2010

Nationwide black-out continues – PHCN workers

Nationwide black-out continues – PHCN workers

By Victor Ahiuma-Young
Twenty four hours after the three-day warning strike by labour over minimum wage was suspended on the first day of the strike, workers of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria, PHCN, Thursday, alerted that most parts of the country will continue to experience black-out because armed soldiers have continued to occupy  the PHCN’s installations and stations.
The workers named the power stations under occupation to include Egbin Power Station, Ikeja West Power Station, Ayede Power Station in Ibadan, Oyo State, Benin Power Station, Kano Zonal Office, Kianji and Jebba Power Stations and Gomo Power Stations in Kwara State.
In a statement in Lagos, the workers said that immediately organised labour called off its warning strike to compel the Federal Government to implement the N18.000 new Minimum Wage on Wednesday,  armed military personnel were dispatched to PHCN installations nationwide, allegedly on the orders of the President.
PHCN workers in the statement titled: “ Military men continues to occupy PHCN stations”, said: “It has become expedient to explain to the public why electric power supply has not been fully restored to some parts of the country after the warning strike by NLC has been called off. At the end of the strike action, armed military personnel were dispatched to PHCN installations nationwide, arguably on the orders of the President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan.
The armed military men’s continued occupation of PHCN installations and intimidation of PHCN staff even after the supposed three (3) days warning strike by the NLC had been called off is affecting the psyche of the workers and would be counter productive in a normal working environment.”
Besides, the Soldiers are equally indulged in undue harassment and intimidation of the innocent and vulnerable workers who are emotionally traumatized at their presence.”
“It is therefore regrettable to inform the public on the seeming delay in fully restoring electric power supply to some parts of the country.  This is actually caused by the presence of these armed Military personnel in those affected areas. We therefore demand and appeal to the relevant authorities to immediately withdraw these Armed Military Personnel to enable the workers return fully to their base and continue their operations without undue intimidation and harassment.

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