Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cleric blasts ‘visionless’ leadership

Cleric blasts ‘visionless’ leadership

By Olayinka Latona
A cleric, Pastor Sam Adeyemi, Senior Pastor of Day Star Christian Centre, has said that the nation is passing through numerous challenges because the present crop of Nigerian leaders lack vision unlike their counterparts in the developed countries.
Pastor Adeyemi also declared that none of those currently seeking elective offices in the country has programmes that are capable of moving the nation forward.
The cleric, who spoke at a round-table talk with newsmen ahead of the church’s third edition of Excellence in Leadership Conference tagged, Leadership and Change, also advised the coming leaders to make avenue for food surplus in Nigeria, provision of shelter with adequate security at all levels.
He said: “A man’s survival is a threat without food. The mortgage system can be introduced in Nigeria and this will make an average Nigeria to own a home.
On the 2011 elections, he said: “So far, I have not seen any of the aspirants that are seeking elective positions that have programmes that will benefit the nation.
“All their programmes are what is common and already on ground. Some are promising good roads, hospitals amongst others. But that is not what the nation needs as at now.”

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