Friday, November 5, 2010

Ex-militants warn politicians ahead 2011 elections

Ex-militants warn politicians ahead 2011 elections

Representatives of ex-militant leaders in the Niger Delta have warned politicians against heating up the polity. This is just as they condemned attacks on Governor Timipre Sylva, describing the act as unacceptable.
Also, the group called on President Goodluck Jonathan to probe the killings of the late Dele Giwa, the Abuja bomb blasts among others and bring the culprits to book to serve as deterrent to others.
Making this known in Yenagoa, the duo of General Paul Eris and General Africa Ukparesia described assault on Sylva as a national disgrace bearing in mind dignitaries in attendance.
Accusing some politicians in the state of being the brain behind the dastardly act, General Paul said majority of them were adorned in the T-shirt of some governorship aspirants in the state.
According to him, “Jonathan had travelled to several states in the country on official visits. We have never seen such incident happen. I want to say that  it is a slap and disgrace, not only to Bayelsa State but to Nigeria at large.
“This is not the first time Governor Sylva will be addressing a mammoth crowd, why is it now that people decided to embarrass him in front of Mr. President. Some of the so called politicians that occasionally visited the state but used the occasion of Mr. President ‘s visit to come could not claim ignorance of the incident.”

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