Friday, November 19, 2010

2011: Ibadan youths protest against IBB candidature

2011: Ibadan youths protest against IBB candidature

By Ola Ajayi
IBADAN—THE presidential campaign of the former military president, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, IBB, suffered a major setback in the South-West yesterday as youths numbering 500 staged a protest against his re-emergence as the president.
While marching on major streets in Ibadan, the youths passed through the Old Ife road to Agodi telling residents in the city why IBB should be the last to be voted for having spent eight years on the exalted position before.
Armed with placards with various inscriptions such as “Say No to IBB,” “Don’t give in to IBB’s lies, they  chanted anti-Babangida songs.
The Anti-Babangida Coalition, spoke through its National Coordinator, Mr. Sina Odugbemi, “We are saying No to IBB. We don’t want Nigerians to pass through the experience again. When they come with their gimmicks, we want people to see beyond their beautiful posters and rhetoric. We need to let them know what we passed through under IBB.”
Vanguard gathered that the youths stopped at each intersection and addressed the people not to waste their votes in 2011 by voting for the former ruler.
They said, “We are saying No to IBB. We don’t want Nigerians to pass through the experience again. When they come with their gimmicks, we want people to see beyond their beautiful posters and rhetoric. We need to let them know what we passed through under IBB.”

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