Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sallah: Jonathan, Mark, others tasks Muslims on peace

Sallah: Jonathan, Mark, others tasks Muslims on peace

By Sam Eyoboka, Inalegwu Shaibu, Demola Akinyemi, Kolade Larewaju, Dayo Johnson, Daniel Idonor & Henry Umoru
ABUJA—PRESIDENT Goodluck Jonathan yesterday predicted that Nigeria will make quicker progress towards the fulfilment of its great potentials as a nation if its citizens foster peace, security and stability.
In his sallah message on the occasion of the Muslims’ festival of Eid-El-Kabir, President Jonathan said, “Nigeria will make quicker progress towards the fulfilment of its great potentials as a nation if its citizens foster peace, security and stability which are essential for development by showing greater respect for national safety and public order laws”.
He congratulated all Nigerians who successfully performed the Hajj this year in fulfilment of a key injunction of their faith. He also urged Nigerians to imbibe the lessons of commitment, dedication and obedience to higher authority inherent in Prophet Ibraheem’s willingness to sacrifice his son in deference to the will of God which Eid-El-Kabir commemorates.
Affirming his Administration’s commitment to upholding the rule of law at all times, the President promised that the Federal Government will continue to do all it can to improve the living conditions of Nigerians.
Sambo Calls for Unity of Nigeria
Meanwhile, Vice President Namadi Sambo, in a message on the occasion, urged muslims to use the occasion to strengthen the unity, peace and progress of Nigeria.
“To our Pilgrims in the Holy Land, I pray fervently that your ibadat be accepted as you continue in your spiritual journeys towards the fulfilment of the pilgrimage rites”.
He called on Muslims “to co-operate with Government towards the attainment of our collective objective of a greater Nigeria.
“I enjoin you to be steadfast and observe the traffic rules and regulations during and after the festivities as Nigeria needs you”.
Nigeria at a critical political crossroads—IBB
Former Military President, General Ibrahim Babangida in his own message said that Nigeria as a nation was at a critical political crossroads that requires Muslims across the country to pray for the country more than ever before. Babangida who also stressed the need for Nigeria as a country to re-invent and  set our priorities right, said that as a country , we must also take more pro-active measures that would help us confront multi-faceted problems of kidnappings, bomb blasts, armed robberies, arms proliferations, smuggling, unemployment, youths restiveness and decaying infrastructure if confidence and faith in the unity of the country must be restored.
He siad ‘’We ask the Almighty Allah to give us leaders that will honour agreements whether written or verbal, whether documented or otherwise, so that we can collectively nurture a God-fearing society with sound moral values, ethics and rule of law.
‘’At this year’s celebration, we need more prayers and total dedication now than ever before. Nigeria is at a critical political crossroads coupled with our prostrate economy. We need strong leadership that is prepared to address the greater challenges confronting the country at the moment.
‘’We must be bold to tell the truth in the interest of our country and her people. Our dear country needs capable and result-driven leadership to steer the ship of state in the emerging new world order which places premium on breaking new grounds to create opportunities for our teeming population.”
‘’As we speak, the security situation of the country is nothing to write home about. The spate of kidnappings, bomb blasts, armed robberies, arms proliferations, smugglings, unemployment, youths restiveness and decaying infrastructure calls for worry particularly in a society where the moral values have taken a nose dive.
Senate President, Senator David Mark
Senate President, Senator David Mark in his message asked Muslim faithful to pray for the success of the 2011 general elections as they celebrate. In statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Paul Mumeh, Mark said: “I want to urge our Muslim brothers to always be guided by the attributes and lessons from the life and times of Holy Prophet Mohammed which symbolizes piety, peace, love, tolerance and good neighbourliness. We must put Nigeria first in all our endeavours.”
Senator Mark further enjoined politicians to abhor campaign of calumny, mudslinging or character assassination of opponents as the 2011 general polls debate gathers momentum.
He said: “What should be paramount to all aspirants is how to sell his or her programme and convince the electorate about them and not mudslinging. I think we have passed this level of campaigning based on mundane issues.”
Pray for the unity of Nigeria
In his own message, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Dimeji Bankole urged Nigerians to work for the unity and progress of the country, saying that the occasion of the Eid-el-Kabir celebration calls for repentance and forgiveness of one another, especially now that the country was preparing for general elections.
In a statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Idowu Bakare, Bankole enjoined Nigerians to be steadfast in love to one another, adding that it is in doing so that we can be committed to what is just and right for our nation.
He urged Muslims to faithful pray for peace in the country, noting that the fervent prayers by various religious bodies and individuals has accounted for the peace that we enjoy as a nation in recent times.
Buhari, Atiku  call on Nigerians to eschew religious violence
Former Head of State, Muhammadu Buhari and former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar have also called on Nigerians to eschew political violence and embrace unity at Sallah.
This is contained in separate goodwill messages to Muslims on the occasion of the Eid-el-Kabir festival by the Atiku Abubakar Campaign Organisation and the Buhari Congress for Progressive Change, CPC, in Abuja.
The statement from the Atiku Campaign organisation enjoined Nigerians to demonstrate the spirit of tolerance, unity and forgiveness and compassion for compatriots. It urged the Muslim community in the country to be worthy ambassadors of the faith by exemplifying all of the virtues that distinguished Prophet Mohammed.
“I extend warm greetings to the Muslim Ummah in Nigeria as they celebrate Eid-el-Kabir Sallah festival. As Muslims savour the joy of the occasion, I call on them to demonstrate the spirit of tolerance, unity, love, forgiveness and mercy,” it added.
In a similar message, the Congress for Progressive Change, CPC, advised Nigerians to eschew religious and political violence.
Adding that Nigerians should rather channel such efforts toward rebuilding the country.
“As a Muslim, Christain or what have you, we shall be all accountable to our creator for negligence of our responsibilities in any form at the appropriate time,” the statement added.
It called on leaders and the led to therefore have the responsibility to offer the desired leadership and followership, adding that ‘’we all have the duty to ensure that our society is ideal for all.”
The Christians Association of Nigeria, CAN, also enjoined Muslims to use the opportunity of this year’s Eid el Kabir to offer prayers to God for peaceful co-existence among different ethno-religious groups in the country as well as peaceful conduct of elections come next year.
In a statement signed by the National President of CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, the umbrella body of Christians in Nigeria congratulated the Muslims for the success flag off of this year’s Hajj to Mecca, hoping that the pilgrims will use the occasion to pray for the country’s development.
Wishing the Muslims a happy Sallah celebration, he charged adherents of Islamic to continue to live up to the tenets of their faith through acts of charity, peaceful co_existence with their neighbours, obedience to the injunctions of Holy Qu’oran and sacrifice as exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim whose spirit of obedience was demonstrated through his submission to the will of Allah even in very difficult circumstances.
Oritsejafor also cautioned politicians to refrain from taking advantage of the high rate of unemployment in the country to recruit the nation’s youths for thuggery during the forthcoming election or employ their services to maim opponents in the name of religion.
Gov. Bukola Saraki of Kwara State in his Sallah message called on religious leaders in the country to continue to preach peace and unity to their followers and display love towards one another noting that it is only these attributes can make Nigeria  attain greatness and return to her glorious era.
Dr Saraki, further in his  message to all Muslims in the state to mark this year’s Eid_el_Kabir celebration, expressed appreciation to the people of the state for their massive support during the last local government election in the State and enjoined them to continue to eschew politics of bitterness and destruction as the nation approaches the 2011 general elections.
From Abeokuta came the report that the Ogun State governor, Otumba Olugbenga Daniel, has appealed to the Muslim Ummah to use the occasion of this year’s Eid el Kabir to pray for the  development of the country as well as the peaceful conduct of the next general elections.
The governor urged all Nigerians, irrespective of their faith to eschew violence and live in harmony, saying: “Our brothers and sisters in Islam should use this period to pray for our nation as we intensify preparations for the next elections. We should not allow sectarian or ethnic considerations to divide us and set back the wheel of progress of the nation”.
The Ondo State governor, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko in his message, called on Moslem Ummah and Nigerians in general to use the occasion to pray for the development of the country as well as the peaceful co_existence of its inhabitants.
Dr Mimiko who, however, enthused that it was gratifying to note that the nation had enjoyed peace in the past year stressed the need for all and sundry to continue to live in peace and harmony in order to make Nigeria a great nation.
Also, a Labour Party aspirant in Ondo State, Olufemi Adekanmbi tasked Muslim faithful to continue to pray for the peaceful co_existence of the nation and the success of the forth coming General Elections.
Adekanmbi who is eyeing the Owo/Ose Federal Constituency said Nigerians without religion affiliations must all pray for the nation, stressing that the peace is key to the growth of any society.
Gov. Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State also urged the Muslim faithful to imbibe the spirit of charity, forgiveness and sacrifice as they celebrate this year’s Eid_el_Kabir festival.
In his Sallah message, the governor said: “I wish the good people of Edo State and Nigeria the joy, peace and blessing of the season. Eid_el_Kabir is an occasion to celebrate the love of God and to rekindle our faith in Almighty Allah.
It is a season of charity, making peace, forgiveness and the celebration of our common humanity as God’s children. We must remember to fend for the poor, the disempowered and the needy in line with God’s injunction to be our brother’s keeper.”

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