Monday, November 15, 2010

FUTA to commission 13 projects at convocation

FUTA to commission 13 projects at convocation

By Dayo Johnson
AKURE—THIRTEEN developmental projects valued at over N600 million would be inaugurated during the 21st and 22nd convocation of the Federal University of Technology, Akure, FUTA, scheduled for Friday.
The former Head of State, Gen. Yakubu Gowon (rtd) and Prof. Akin Mabogunje would be given honorary doctorate degrees. Also about 3,834 students will be awarded various degrees during the convocation
Addressing newsmen in Akure, the chairman of the ceremonial committee of the institution, Prof. Biyi Daramola pointed out that the university was unable to have its convocation for the 2008/2009 set because of the general strike in the system last year.
According to him the six schools in the university except the school of management technology would be presenting students for the convocation with 33 of them graduating with first class honours.
Daramola explained that 1, 407 students would be graduating in the 2008/2009 set, 1, 457 would graduate in the 2009/2010 set, while 970 would be graduating from the school of post graduate in the two sessions.
He said the convocation lecture with the title “Bridging the Gap and Unleashing the Genius: The Challenges of Universities of Technology in Nigeria ”, would be delivered by Mabogunje.

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