Saturday, November 6, 2010

2011: No retreat – Jonathan

2011: No retreat – Jonathan

By Kingsley Omonobi
President Goodluck Jonathan declared yesterday that he is in the 2011 presidential race to give service and the issue of beating a retreat midway does not arise.
Speaking through the Goodluck/Sambo Presidential Campaign Organization, the President dismissed a statement credited to a member of the Northern Elders Forum, Yahaya Kwande that “Jonathan would withdraw from the presidential race”.
Mr. Sully Abu, Director, Media and Publicity in the statement said  Kwande’s, statement was“a figment of his imagination” pointing out that, “President Jonathan has never contemplated and is not contemplating withdrawing from the race for the presidency in 2011”.
“On the contrary, he (Jonathan) is very enthusiastic about the prospects of his offering himself for service and helping to transform Nigeria”, he said.
Mr. Sully Abu therefore called on Kwade “to concentrate his energy on promoting the cause of his principal rather than embarking on a wild-goose chase. He is neither a spokesman for Jonathan nor a supporter of his cause.
He, therefore, lacks, absolutely, the credentials to speak for the President”.
In a separate statement, the Jonathan/Sambo Campaign Organisation failted a statement by the General Buhari-led CPC that the President violated the Electoral Act with the launch of his campaign fund last week.
“The CPC, in playing the proverbial ostrich – head deep in the sand, deaf to simple communication- would want to falsify events just to be heard,”the Jonathan/Sambo Campaign Organisation said.
“That memorable night started with the Chief Launcher, Alhaji Abdulsamad Rabiu, reminding everyone of the relevant portions of the campaign finance law.
He gave a million naira and announced another two fifty million from from family members and friends. He duly submitted a list of the two hundred and fifty donors.
“As a believer in the rule of law, President Jonathan cannot violate the law. We wonder where the CPC came about the claim that the Electoral Act was violated at the fund raising dinner. That is far from the truth and we challenge anyone to come forward with any fact to the contrary.
“The President has restated his commitment to the conduct of free and fair election and there is no going back. He has appointed a credible electoral body and his activities since he came into office have not only confirmed his commitment but constantly reinforced this,”it said.

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