Monday, November 8, 2010

King of kidnappers confesses

King of kidnappers confesses

By Chidi Nkwopara
UMUAHIA—THE origin of this piece will certainly read like a fairy tale. A young man walked into the Vanguard Office, Owerri, to discuss placement of 15 full pages of colour advertisement. After discussing with our Correspondent, the potential client left but promised that he would call to confirm the next line of action.
About four days after the visit, a call came through an MTN number. The message was simple: “We have accepted to place the advert in Vanguard. You have to come to Aba and pick the money.”
For the reporter, Aba was a no-go area and the caller was told so. A deal was struck that the reporter should come to a place close to Osisioma.  He thereafter left Owerri for the designated place on the appointed day.
Locating the “advertiser” was not difficult but the only shock was that they were a group of youngsters! Our reporter’s expectation that he would just collect the manuscripts and cash and return safely to Owerri, was not to be.
He instead got the shock of his life as it turned out that he had been talking to the dreaded and wanted militant leader and alleged kidnapper, Osisi Ka Nkwu!
During the encounter, the militant leader decided to break his long-drawn silence on the unrest in Aba, Abia State. And in a discussion which lasted for about 20 minutes, he gave account of why he took up arms and vowed to continue with the struggle until Ngwaland is liberated.

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