Saturday, November 20, 2010

Van Gaal happy to sell Schweinsteiger for €30m


Van Gaal happy to sell Schweinsteiger for €30m

November 20, 2010
Bayern Munich coach Louis van Gaal has advised his own club to sell Bastian Schweinsteiger next summer.
Bastian Schweinsteiger
Bastian Schweinsteiger has been in fine form in recent months
Schweinsteiger still has 18 months left to run on his contract and has yet to commit himself to a new deal, despite his club's attempts to convince him his future lies with them.
Many of Europe's top clubs are following developments in Munich and will have been happy to hear Van Gaal practically put the player onto the market.
''I think that Bayern Munich is a business and if it is true that 30 million euros have been offered for him, then you cannot just ignore that kind of money,'' he said.
Bayern are still hoping to convince Schweinsteiger to commit to a new contract, like Philipp Lahm recently did, but Van Gaal says there is no point.
''I would do it differently,'' he said. ''And my clubs have always listened to what I have said, and my clubs have always earned a lot of money.''
The 26-year-old has spent his entire career with Bayern and seems to be now pondering a move abroad next summer, a year before his contract is due to expire.
Real Madrid, Inter Milan and Manchester United have already been linked with Germany's vice-captain.

Blatter not expecting England backlash


Blatter not expecting England backlash

November 19, 2010
FIFA president Sepp Blatter said he believes England's bid for the 2018 World Cup bid will not be damaged by the fall-out of the Sunday Times investigation.
Sepp Blatter with Michel Platini
Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini have said the Times investigation is unlikely to damage the 2018 bid
Platini: Regular criticism the problem
Six FIFA officials have received bans following the corruption scandal brought to light by the investigation.
Blatter told a news conference on Friday that the 'entrapment' was "not fair" but said that should not - as is feared by England 2018 - rebound on their bid.
The FIFA president said: "Why should this have an influence on the English bid? Human beings taking decision don't look so much at the documents in front of them so I don't think they will into consideration what has been published or not. That's my opinion."
Blatter also announced that two former FIFA employees also caught up in the Sunday Times scandal had been declared "persona non grata" by a meeting of FIFA's executive committee.
Ex-general secretary Michel Zen-Ruffinen and former tournament director Michel Bacchini recommended to investigators that they should offer illegal incentives to secure World Cup votes.
Blatter said the bans imposed by the ethics committee gave FIFA a chance to "clean up" but that the investigation methods were not fair.
He added: "No, I'm not pleased about that because this is not very fair but now we have a result it gives us an opportunity to clean a little bit whatever has to be cleaned, but I cannot say that it is very fair when you open traps to entrap people.
"But if ... the objective is to have a clean sheet in football then I can understand it."
Blatter said the bans imposed on the six officials - including two of the 24 FIFA executive members, Nigeria's Amos Adamu and Tahiti's Reynald Temarii - had not gone down well with some of the other members who viewed them as overly harsh.
"These decisions may not have found total support of all the members of the executive committee, it would be exaggerated to pretend that, but FIFA agrees with the decisions handed down by the ethics committee."

Achebe@80: Leaders debate things fall apart in Africa

Achebe@80: Leaders debate things fall apart in Africa

By Uduma Kalu
The novel, Things fall apart, continues to be a reference point to African crisis. And as its writer, Africa’s foremost novelist, Prof Chinua Achebe, marks his 80th birthday, which began well before his November 16 birthday, commentators the world over have been using the title of the novel, written to depict the colonial impact on Africa, to describe present Nigerian/African crises as tributes to Achebe.
Though groups such as Delta Book Club,  Committee for Relevant Art (CORA), The Princewill Political Associates (PPA) had held series of birthday activities for the writer, in Enugu, Lagos and Port Harcourt respectively, there had been the usual debates on why Achebe has not won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Chinua Achebe( in cap), being congratulated by Prof. Okey Ndibe (standing) and Rudolf Okonkwo at Hudson Theatre, New York City after receiving the $300,000 Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize.
But before then, the world literary calender had been dominated by activities on the icon, with conferences and awards, and they still continue, withAchebe giving the first annual series of lectures in honour of the Cambridge anthropologist, Dr. Audrey Richards, who established the University’s Centre of African Studies yesterday,  Friday, November 19. He read from his autobiographical book on the Nigeria/Biafra War, which is due to be published next year.
Achebe in September received the 2010 Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize. Worth $300,000 in cash, the prize is just the latest in a long string of humanitarian and literary awards, including 40 honorary degrees, for the 80-year-old. He became the David and Marianna Fisher University Professor and professor of Africana studies last year’s  September, after 19 years on the faculty of Bard College.
Also, the Chinua Achebe Colloquium on Africa, a new initiative he is developing that furthers his mission holds at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, from 3-4 December, 2010.The Colloquium brings together world class intellectuals as well as officials from African governments, civil society, the United Nations, the U.S. government, the European Union, members of international human rights organizations, elections monitoring groups, and research and policy institutions; to deliberate on the importance of strengthening democracy on Africa continent.
It focuses on Rwanda, Congo and Nigeria on ‘Recovering Looted Funds; Elections and Political transparency; the Niger Delta Crisis: the political, economic and environmental issues in the Niger Delta. Margot Elisabeth Wallström (former Vice Chairperson of the European Union and the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict) is the keynoter with Chief Emeka Anyaoku – Former Secretary-General of the British Commonwealth, opening the confab.
Among the many dignitaries from USA, africa and Europe are Ambassador Stephen Rapp – US Ambassador for War Crimes, Rivers State governor, Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, Walter Carrington,  John Campbell, former US Ambassador to Nigeria,  Professor Ali Mazrui, Nuhu Ribadu, Femi Falana, Ayo Obe, Alafuele M. Kalala, former Democratic Republic of Congo presidential candidate, Dr Oscar Kashala, former Democratic Republic of Congo presidential candidate, Farida Waziri, Professor Okey Ndibe – Visiting professor Brown University, Sowore Omoyele – Sahara Reporters,  Anyakwee Nsirimovu, Dr. Judith Burdin Asuni, Chukwumeka Ike etc.

Flirting, part of the art – Jibola Dabo

Flirting, part of the art – Jibola Dabo

By Aramide Pius
Jibola Dabo needs no introduction. An internationally acclaimed star, the Ondo State born veteran actor has paid his dues in the make- belief world.
A recipient of the Zuma best actor of the year award, Dabo reminisced on his childhood and the many years of toils he went through to get to  where he is today.  He also speaks on his love-life and career. Excerpts:
Recently you won the best actor award at the  Zuma film festival, were you expecting it?
Not at all.  I didn’t even know I was nominated.
In fact, I was on my way to Lagos from Ibadan when I received a telephone call informing me that I am expected in Abuja and I wondered why?
Because I’m a producer, my initial thought was they were calling me up for a job or something else. But when the voice insisted that it was important I decided to travel to Abuja.
I wondered why some people think they could just call me and tell me to start coming to Abuja, without telling me why.
Jibola Dabo
The suspense was made worse when the caller told me that “ this is something that has to do with a lifetime achievement, I wish you’ll make it. Get to Nicon  Luxury Hotel and your expenses will be reimbursed and all that. .”
I had to turn back because I’d already left home. It never crossed my mind for once that I was up for an award.
To compound my situation, I didn’t have enough funds to embark on the trip. It was a total drama because I had  fifteen thousand Naira on me and I had even bought fuel from it and a ticket was about nineteen thousand naira.
Somehow I got to Abuja late and I had to drive straight to the event centre and by this time, the function had begun.
I was shocked when I was called and the award was handed over to me by the French Ambassador to Nigeria.
The movies screened were not only Nigerian movies as South Africa, Germany and Nigeria were equally represented. I was elated.
What ran through your mind the moment you were called up for the award?
I cannot really describe the feeling.  I can only compare it to my life on stage whenever I finish a performance and people begin to applaud.
The euphoria is not explainable.
Was that your first major award?
In Nigeria, yes. I have received a fellowship award for choreography and I have also received what we call hall wall awards in the theatre, all in the US, but in Nigeria, this is the biggest so far.
How credible is the Zuma festival award?
With due respect to all other awards, the Zuma award is one of the very few awards that you cannot influence.
I questioned them on the reason they waited so late  to inform me about the award and I was told that the decision was reached the morning of that day I was called. Someone summed it up in a text, she sent saying ‘this is a true measure of quality’ because it is a very different and credible award.
When did you join Nollywood?
I started off with TV soaps when I returned in 2003 and I joined Nollywood in 2006. Before then, I was on stage for KOJA and the Commonwealth celebration.
The theme of the play was Toy Soldier, Boy Soldier. That was the first thing I did when I came back.
For those who may not know, what were you doing before you departed the shores of this country?
Acting and dancing is what I have been doing on TV since the seventies.
Do you dance?
Young Lady, I was the director of the black heritage. We did the forty man dance at Sambo that I took around the world.
You still dance?
I still dance . . .
What sparked up your interest in art?
Sincerely I wouldn’t know because I would not say that I got this or that from anyone  in my family
I just grew up and found myself in the acting profession. As a child and long before I was of school age, my big sister and my brothers will cast me whenever they returned home from school as part of their Biblical plays.
So naturally when I started school I became part of the school’s drama group. I remembered vividly one of the major plays that I acted in when I was in primary four.
I played the role of Samson and till date, most of my schoolmates (in primary school) still call me Samson.
I also played the role of  the traditional chief priest of my town, Owo.  That is also remarkable for me . . .
Were you born with a silver spoon?
What was life like as a child?
Rough, very rough.
Imagine a situation where six children are left behind to a mother who never saw the four walls of a school and had to cater for her children.
Did you hawk to help out?
Of course! I hawked all manners of wares and products. I hawked kerosene and I remember there was a song my siblings and I used to sing whenever we were hawking kerosene.  The song went thus ‘Keroseneeeeeee!!! gbanjo epo re o komeji, elepo n’re le o ema daroo, toba diwoyi ola, arokun epo oyinbo’. ( Buy cheap kerosene for two shillings . . . don’t wait till tomorrow)I also hawked Orii (local balm).
I did all sorts of menial jobs to augment the little my mother could.
How were you able to get quality education and even travel abroad?
I give thanks to God Almighty first and to my mother.
My late mother was a wonderful woman.
She inspired and made it clear to us that she was subservient to her brothers because she lacked proper education.
I managed to get quality education, though I kept being sent off because of school fees.
I repeated a class because of four shillings.  I went to farm with my mother and by the time I got back to school with the money, I lost a whole term. So I stayed away and returned the following year to continue school. Al of these made me a very bitter and stubborn child.
I resented so many things in the society and I feared I’ll end up in jail.
I was always fighting with the police and with people because I hate cheating and everything like that.  But what helped me in life was because I had uncles who considered education as important and they gave me reasons to say I want to be better than you. I was looked down on by a very brilliant uncle.
He was versatile in the use of the English language and he could pick holes in everything you say. When I said I was going to study the arts, he refused to help out because he considered the subject as course for low lives. He preferred I read law or medicine.
You know when you want something, you long for it, you crave for it and that was what happened in my case.
I did all sorts of things to survive and nobody in my family can say I did this for you or that a dime of his paid my fees.
As a polygamist, how many wives were your father married to?
My dad had four wives and my mother was the first. But I didn’t grow up with them. I lived with different uncles and aunties.
I never had the opportunity of living with my family, so I didn’t miss much. ‘
What are some of the things you learnt from your folks that may have influenced the way you make decisions in life?
Learning is a lifetime process. My mum used to tell me that no matter how beautiful a woman is, if she is married, never go near her.
I held onto that for so long and it has become a part of me. She also taught me to be honest at all times.  She would tell me that if you tell one lie, you will need many more to cover up for that one lie.
On a more personal note, what really happened between you and Ayo Mogaji?
I don’t want to talk about Ayo Mogaji. She is in her husband’s house but still my very good friend. She is also the mother of my child and that suits me fine.
Are you planning to remarry?
Yes . . .
How soon?
Well very soon.
May we know the lucky woman?
No she is a private person.
What attracts you to a woman?
I am someone who sees beauty differently.  I don’t go for the artificial beauty. I love intelligent women. I love women who could challenge me intellectually.
Considering your experiences home and abroad, what do you think of the motion picture industry in Nigeria today?
We have made tremendous growth and progress but we are not there yet.
So what do we do to get there?
We will get there because the mediocre are going to fall by the way side. We have some directors producing world class movies.  It is a matter of time for things to be all right.
What if you were offered, a political appointment will you accept it?
I’m not a politician. I’d probably shoot myself on the foot because I’m not diplomatic. Political appointment is not for me. I will not be able to play the politicking that is required.
Is your beard a signature?
I shave it sometimes, but for a long while, it has been like this. If I cut it down now, my fans may protest, so I leave it.
How do you handle advances from female fans?
I don’t like women.  I love women. I am a flirt.  People misunderstand that when I say it, I love to flirt but that is if you understand what flirting means.
What does it mean to flirt?
It means interacting with the opposite sex or person in a manner that would gladden their heart. I could flirt with an old woman for instance. You know as an artiste my obligation is to make the people happy and so you need to flirt with people to do that.
It is part of the job. When I’m on set, I flirt mostly with the assistants because they are looked down upon.
Why are you always in white or is it a ritual?
It is not.  I have been wearing no other colour than white in the last fifteen years. Except I‘m on set, you will not see me in something else but white. I  feel very comfortable in white and it has nothing to do with ritual.
How often do you see your children?
I’m in constant touch with my children. Some of them are married and the rest area also doing fine.
And how many grandchildren do you have?
I have six grandchildren and they are doing well too.
How does it feel being a granddaddy?
It feels good and it also reminds that one is not getting any younger.  It gives you an additional sense of responsibility.  It is a blessing too and I am happy.
Jibola Dabo actor, writer and director hails from the beautiful town of Owo in Ondo State.
A holder of a Master degree in Mass Media from the Columbia State University, United States,  Jibola is also a holder of a first degree in Fine Arts.
He majored  in graphics.

Consensus candidacy: Ciroma Committee summons IBB, others

Consensus candidacy: Ciroma Committee summons IBB, others

By Chioma Gabriel/Henry Umoru
THE Mallam Adamu Ciroma-led committee charged with the responsibility of picking a Northern consensus candidate ahead of the PDP Presidential primaries has invited the four aspirants involved in the deal to a crucial meeting tomorrow in Kaduna.
General Ibrahim Babangida, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, General Aliyu Gusau and Governor Bukola Saraki are to be briefed by the committee on the selection of one of them as consensus candidate.
It is expected that the final announcement of the successful aspirant will be made on Tuesday, even as 32 political parties constituting the Patriotic Electoral Alliance of Nigeria, PEAN, vowed to check the “excesses,”of the ruling PDP.
Tomorrow’s meeting, Saturday Vanguard gathered will take a second look at the report of the selection sub-committee.
The four aspirants have pledged to support whoever carries the day.
The winner will then face President Goodluck Jonathan in seeking PDP’s presidential ticket for next year’s election.
Other members of the committee include a former Inspector-General of Police, Alhaji M.D. Yusuf; one-time national chairman of the PDP, Chief Audu Ogbeh; former Senate President, Dr. Iyorchia Ayu and Prof Ignatius Ayua.
Opposition ready for showdown
Meanwhile, spokesmen of the 32 political parties that constitute the Patriotic Electoral Alliance of Nigeria (PEAN), have declared that the decision to present common candidates at all levels is designed to check the excesses of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.
The opposition parties, including All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP), Congress for Progressive Change , CPC, All Progressive Grand Alliance, APGA,  have expressed optimism  that with credible aspirants like  Nuhu Ribadu, former Chairman of Economic and Financial Crimes Commission , EFCC, and presidential aspirant of Action Congress of Nigeria, ACN;  General Buhari, former military head of state and presidential aspirant of Congress for Progressive Change, CPC; Ibrahim Shekarau, Governor of Kano state and presidential aspirant of All Nigeria Peoples Party, ANPP; the PDP stands no chance.
Speaking in an encounter with Saturday Vanguard, an associate of General Buhari and Deputy Chairman, Board of Trustees of  Congress for Progressive Change, Dr. Sule Hamman said what Mallam Adamu Ciroma’s Committee is doing is no  threat to  the aspirations of General Buhari or the opposition  parties’ proposed alliance.
“We are talking about credibility here and tell me who amongst the consensus aspirants that can  contend with General Buhari ?” Dr. Hamman expressed optimism that the alliance of the opposition political parties in presenting   common candidates at all levels would put to rest moves by the PDP to continue to remain in power after 2011 general elections either through Jonathan or a consensus candidate.
“Our alliance is based clearly on programmes, principles and other things that are designed to effect positive change in the entire democratic culture in the country. It is not the same thing with consensus candidacy of the PDP. What we are doing is much stronger.
“CPC is concerned about creating synergy and developing a common candidate in opposition that would be promoted and driven by all the parties in alliance. This will be the basis of contesting election and countering power in the country.
“Forget the hype of the Ciroma committee. It is not the entire North that is talking  about consensus.  Consensus is not a northern regional position. An alliance of the opposition is stronger and  national in outlook. The hype about consensus does not concern us. It is not the only thing happening in the north.
It is just one of the things from the  north. The strong thing happening now is that there are political parties that are in contention to contest election and such parties are represented by strong candidates as we have in our party in the person of General Buhari.”

What do you tell a man who loses everything ‘cos’ he loved wrongly?

What do you tell a man who loses everything ‘cos’ he loved wrongly?

Last week, we talked about Samson who left his job as a bank manager because he was about to get married to Nnnena, a Nigerian who is also an American citizen, and because both of them had planned to relocate to the States, he resigned and joined her only to meet the biggest shock of his life.
Nnnena was a changed person. At first, she said he cannot live in their house because they were not legally married and that it was against her church doctrine, but they were living together in Nigeria. He moved into a hotel because he did not have an option.
Then she complained that the money he sent home for their traditional marriage was not enough, so he sent some more money. He noticed that she was not talking about the marriage any more like she use to and the money on him was running out.
So he confronted Nnenna about their supposed plan, but she was evasive. He knew something was wrong, so he called her mum in Nigeria. Her mother told him point blank that it was not a do or die affair to marry her daughter, after all there are other women. He was surprised at what the mother said. So he confronted Nnnena and got the same story; he spoke to her pastor about it and the pastor advised him to do something else with his life that he should forget about her because she has moved on.
At last, he exhausted all the money he had. Meanwhile, Nnnena still did not allow him into the house he paid for even when he had to leave the hotel unprepared. She claimed the house is hers and she bought it in her name and that this is not Nigeria.
Kalu Ikeagwu
Move on – Kalu Ikeagwu, Actor
First of all, my understanding of the story is one perspective because it does not give details of the relationship. How well did he know her is a good question to ask him? I have sisters and I am experienced, why would a guy act so irrational? On the other hand, the lady obviously was not looking for a husband. She was only looking for material things or she has a boyfriend already. If that is the case, then he was only used. He should learn to pick up the pieces, forgive her so that it does not affect future commitments and be careful the next time. Also that, he should thank God they are not already married, only to find out that his children are not his. A broken relationship is better than a broken marriage.
Take heart – Adaora Ukoh, Actress
He is a man, so he should act like one. I will advice him to go back home to Nigeria and start life all over again. He should be careful the next time he heart is ruling him, let his head rule him instead. Time they say heals all wounds, so he will get healed in time. It sure can happen to any body, so the best advice is to look before you leap.
Portia Adams Zaato
Fight for his right – Portia Adams Zaato, Actress
I am a realistic person. I would have adviced him not to give that kind of money, love and trust to any body, but the deed is done already. He should find a way to pick up the ashes and to fight for what is rightly his. Take everything that belongs to you brother! The woman in question is a devil and so should be treated.
Not the end of his life – Benee Okocha, T.V personality/model
I would say to such a person “pop your collar” that is to keep his head up! Money comes and goes that’s the beauty of it, and it’ll come again. In situation like this, first time you are the victim, the second time, you become the volunteer. Love is a beautiful thing and should not be seen as cruel. We all love and lose at some point, but that does not mean
we would not love again. If your love was pure you will get manifold what you lost. Donot go for revenge, ask God to forgive the person and do so also. Hard as it may be, so you do not hinder your blessings.

More trouble for Okah in South Africa

More trouble for Okah in South Africa

Terror suspect, Henry Okah, who is facing trial in South Africa for allegedly masterminding the Independence Day bomb blasts is to remain in security custody after he was denied bail yesterday by a magistrate court.
Besides, he is to be put on trial next year for alleged terrorism.
Henry Okah being taken to the court
Magistrate Hein Louw said the decision was based on his finding that Okah is the leader of the militant Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) that claimed responsibility for the October 1 attacks in Abuja.
Okah has denied being the leader of MEND and said he had no involvement in the twin car bombings, but Louw said prosecutors had argued convincingly that the 45-year-old marine engineer is MEND’s leader.
“The application for bail is denied,” Louw said.
“I make the finding that he is indeed the leader of MEND.”
Okah, who appeared in court dressed in a button-down shirt and jeans, is charged with two counts of violating South Africa’s anti-terrorism act.
The magistrate cited evidence seized from Okah’s house, reading aloud a quotation for weapons from a Chinese arms dealer that included anti-tank mines, mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and guns.
He said the most “damning evidence” was a letter introduced by prosecutors in which Okah’s wife called him the leader of MEND.
“They have shown that the accused’s own wife referred to him as the leader of MEND,” he said.
Louw set a trial date of February 11.
Okah’s lawyer, Rudi Krause, said he was “disappointed but not surprised” by the decision and said his client will appeal.
Okah, who has permanent residence in South Africa, was arrested at his home in Johannesburg on October 2, the day after the Abuja blasts.
Prosecutors say Okah exchanged text messages, emails and phone calls with people the Nigerian authorities believe carried out the bombings, and that he gave orders to buy the two cars and fill their trunks with dynamite.
Okah’s brother Charles was also arrested last month in Lagos in connection with the independence day bombings.
Nigeria’s State Security Service, SSS, has accused Okah of organising the March bombing at the Vanguard Conference on Niger Delta in Warri that killed at least one person.
MEND, which claims to be fighting for fairer distribution of oil revenue in the region, had warned of a second attack in Abuja, which it said would prove Okah’s innocence.
The group has also warned it is planning fresh raids on oil installations, where it says it plans to kidnap oil workers.
The group had claimed responsibility for 14 of the 19 hostages freed this week in a Nigerian military operation.
Okah, who was arrested in Angola three years ago and transferred to Nigerian custody, has been living in South Africa since being released as part of a government amnesty offered last year to militants in the Delta.
The amnesty greatly reduced unrest in the Niger Delta, the heart of one of the world’s largest oil industries, but several incidents have occurred in recent months ahead of elections early next year.
Henry Okah, denied bail Friday over accusations he masterminded independence day twin car bombings, was a marine engineer who became the alleged leader of Nigeria’s most notorious militant group.
Okah, 45, was arrested in South Africa, where he lives, a day after the October 1 bombings and has been held in custody ever since.
It was by no means his first time in a jail cell. During a previous incarceration in Nigeria, he complained to his lawyers of attempts by authorities to kill him, alleging poisonous snakes were released into his cell.
Prosecutors say Okah is the leader of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, the Nigerian militant organisation that has claimed scores of kidnappings and attacks on oil installations in recent years.
The October 1 bombings in Abuja that killed at least 12 people was the first such attack in the capital.
MEND claims to be fighting for a fairer distribution of oil revenue, but it has also been seen as an umbrella organisation for criminal gangs.
The fourth of nine children of a senior navy officer, Okah turned to militant action following the 1995 execution of rights activist Ken Saro_Wiwa, who pushed for justice for the Niger Delta region.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Johnson vows to remain at City long-term


Johnson vows to remain at City long-term

November 19, 2010
Adam Johnson has insisted he plans to remain at Manchester City long-term after having said he would consider his future.
Adam Johnson
PA Photos
Adam Johnson has had limited first-team chances in recent times
Johnson hints at exit
City look to sell to buy
Balotelli committed 'until June'
Johnson, who signed for City in January, has spoken out about his frustration with life as a substitute at Eastlands and recently said he would "definitely consider" his options if he was not a first-team regular.
However, he has now said those comments were not a true reflection of his feelings.
"The first thing I thought when you read something like that is that the fans will think I want to get away," he said in the Manchester Evening News. "That hurt, because I care more about what the fans think than what anybody else thinks.
"I think the fans understand that I just want to play. When I play I try to give 100% every time and I think that comes across in the way that I play.
"I said something in a moment of frustration and things can get blown out of proportion.
"I am happy here. I love playing football more than anything and I'd love to play in every game, but it would be wrong to think I want to leave. I don't.
"My future is here long-term, without a doubt. I've only been here eight months but my career has already changed for the better. It would be stupid of me to want to leave."
Meanwhile, Roberto Mancini has also played down suggestions Mario Balotelli will move on at the end of the season.
Balotelli was seen in a restaurant with AC Milan vice-president Adriano Galliani after the Milan derby and did little to dampen speculation of a summer move when he said he was committed to City "until June".
However, Mancini said: "In Milan there is a restaurant where all the Milan and Inter players and owners go. This is normal.
"But he must start to play before he leaves. He has a five-year contract and he has only played four games."
Balotelli, 20, is currently suspended after his red card against West Brom and Mancini feels he has much to learn.
"He must change his mentality," he said. "He must think about playing because if he plays here he can score every game.
"He can't afford to talk with the referee. He needs to think about his job because he can make a difference on the pitch."

2011: Ibadan youths protest against IBB candidature

2011: Ibadan youths protest against IBB candidature

By Ola Ajayi
IBADAN—THE presidential campaign of the former military president, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, IBB, suffered a major setback in the South-West yesterday as youths numbering 500 staged a protest against his re-emergence as the president.
While marching on major streets in Ibadan, the youths passed through the Old Ife road to Agodi telling residents in the city why IBB should be the last to be voted for having spent eight years on the exalted position before.
Armed with placards with various inscriptions such as “Say No to IBB,” “Don’t give in to IBB’s lies, they  chanted anti-Babangida songs.
The Anti-Babangida Coalition, spoke through its National Coordinator, Mr. Sina Odugbemi, “We are saying No to IBB. We don’t want Nigerians to pass through the experience again. When they come with their gimmicks, we want people to see beyond their beautiful posters and rhetoric. We need to let them know what we passed through under IBB.”
Vanguard gathered that the youths stopped at each intersection and addressed the people not to waste their votes in 2011 by voting for the former ruler.
They said, “We are saying No to IBB. We don’t want Nigerians to pass through the experience again. When they come with their gimmicks, we want people to see beyond their beautiful posters and rhetoric. We need to let them know what we passed through under IBB.”

The desperate dream to revive ANPP

The desperate dream to revive ANPP

By Luka Binniyat
After four years on the drive seat of Nigeria’s once formidable opposition party, Chief Edwin Ume-Ezeoke recently handed over to a new national chairman. In his time, the party slipped in territorial control and character quotient.
The new helmsman, Chief Ogbonnonya Onu is now spearheading a drive to revive the fortunes, of the party. In this piece, Vanguard Politics examines what Onu inherited and how he is going about the Herculean task.
How would one score Chief Edwin Ume-Ezeoke’s stewardship of Nigeria’s once vibrant opposition party, the  All Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP)? From controlling six Government Houses in 2006 when he took over the control of the party, Ume-Ezeoke left the saddle with just only three governors flying the party flag.
In the same period the party lost almost half of its members in the National Assembly to other political parties.
But the greatest loss of the period under Ume-Ezeoke is generally beleived to be the loss of self-esteem and character of the opposition as evidenced in the lack of vibrancy at the time the erstwhile Speaker of the House of Representatives stepped down from the chairmanship of what was once Nigeria’s second largest party.
In 1999, ANPP  swept  the governorship seats of Jigawa, Borno, Gombe and Yobe in the North East  zone and produced Governors in Zamfara, Kebbi  Kano and Sokoto  in the Northwest. In Middle Belt the party equally produced governors in Kogi and Kwara States.
As it went to the first election in 2003 the party lost three governors in an election that was largely characterised by irregularities. The loss of Gombe, Kwara and Kogi was not without a fight under the leadership of another controversial leadership headed by Chief Don Etiebet.
From the six States he received from Etiebet, Ume-Ezeoke, however, could save only three, namely Borno, Kano and Yobe.
Ume_Ezeoke’s leadership brought a strange and curious relationship between the ANPP and the ruling PDP, in which his son, Prince Chineme Ume_Ezeoke serving as Special Adviser to the President on Relations with Civil Society  in a  Government of National Unity (GNU).
The ANPP former National Chairman remarkably also on many occasions, defended the failures of the ruling governments a development which incensed many party members and supporters.
Many, however, regard the apogee of the failures of that leadership to the alleged sabotaging of the petition filed by the ANPP 2007 presidential candidate, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari at the presidential election tribunal. Instead of defending the party’s flag bearer, the Ume-Ezeoke leadership allegedly sided with the PDP!
It was as such not surprising that Buhari took his exit from the party as soon as he found the door at the conclusion of the hearing of his petition.
Remarkably, the chairmanship of the party has again fallen on erstwhile presidential aspirant of the party and former  Abia State Governor, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu. Onu took over the mantle on the 19th of October, 2010 when he was elected national chairman above other contenders including his one time gubernatorial colleague, Chief Odigie Oyegun from Edo State.
Against all odds, the new leadership has now set for itself the goal of rebuilding the party.
One of One’s first tasks on assumption of office, was to constitute a six_member committee headed by a former chairman of the Board of Trustees, Gambo Mogaji. Mogaji’s main mandate is  to reach out to other like_minds in the country, with the purpose of forging an alliance  during the 2011 polls.
“We have no choice than to insist  that the government of the people, for the people and by the people must  not to perish in our fatherland. We  can only do this if we  mobilize other like minds in and out of our party  to  struggle and reclaim Nigeria and return her to the path of political plurality and national renewal.”, he had said at the inauguration of the committee
Onu 59, has since  visited not less than 20 states in his bid to strengthen the party structure  and  reconcile estrange members back to the  party.
On the 30th October, he was in Bauchi State where he addressed party officials and followers of the ANPP.
“It has became evident and self manifest that the PDP is a total failure and a disappointment and can never take the country to the next level.”, he had declared at the visit.
On that occasion, he asked the people of the state to vote out the PDP in favour of the ANPP in the forth_coming general polls.
“Bauchi Still belongs to the ANPP”, Onu had insisted to  party supporters.
It could be recalled that the Governor of Bauchi State, Mallam Isa Yuguda, had defected to the PDP in 2009 after climbing to power under the ticket of the ANPP in 2007.
He switched parties after marrying one of the daughters of the then President Umaru Yar’Adua, who later died this year.
While most members of the Bauchi State House of Assembly and the entire cabinet of the state followed Yuguda out of the ANPP, the Deputy Governor, Mohamed Gaba Gaidi, stayed back.
This led to a bitter feud between the two foremost citizens of the state which eventually led to the sack of Gadi by the Bauchi State House of Assembly. Gadi later reclaimed his mandate in Court, and still remains the Deputy Governor.
Onu has also visited Adamawa State where he made the same appeal for unity among his party faithful.
”You must make sure you  are registered during the INEC voter registration exercise”, he told them, “it is the first step in attaining victory at the polls”, he said.
He later met for several hours with state party officials in an attempt to re_invigorate the party in Adamawa state
In Benue state Onu was welcomed by a large crowd at the  Aminu Isah Kontagora Open Air Theatre, Markurdi.
“I want to emphasise that there is now a  new drive by the ANPP to imbibe full democratic principles to enhance the comradeship among our members”, he told the crowd.
“I want to encourage the public to support the ANPP because we have fully gone through a reformation which will accommodate all our members to take over power as the only way  to repositioning  the flaws experienced during the last eleven years of the PDP led government”, he said.
“Nigerians must  vote for development by voting the ANPP in all the three tiers of government to enhance change, dynamism and prosperity”, he said.
Asked on the new strategy of the new Chairman, the National Publicity Secretary of the ANPP, Emma Eneukwu told Vanguard that Onu is a grassroots man.
“As at last weekend, he has visited about 20 states”, he said.
“He believes that democracy and politics should start from the grassroots”, he added. “It is from the grassroots that elections are lost or won so he is re_engineering the party at the grassroots”, he emphasised.
Asked if the party would become a more effective opposition in the future, he said: “we are not going to be in opposition in 2011”, he said, “we are going to be the ruling party. That is what we are working at”, he told Vanguard.
He added further that a lot of high_ranking members of the party who have left, are returning to the party as a result of the confidence they have in the new leadership of the ANPP.

From Iran: Customs intercept container of heroin at Tin-Can port

From Iran: Customs intercept container of heroin at Tin-Can port

By Godwin Oritse & Ifeyinwa Obi
LAGOS—Nigerian Customs Service has intercepted a large quantity of heroin concealed in a 40-foot container, which was believed to have originated from Iran. The container which was brought into the Tin-can Island Port was concealed among machine parts.
According to the Area Comptroller of Customs Mr. Austin Warikoru, the vessel, MD Montenegro, brought the container into the port yesterday evening and was intercepted by his men based on intelligence  information.
He said: “We got wind of the container based on advance information and we decided to carry out inspection on the container. We discovered a large quantity of heroin concealed inside it together machine parts made of cog wheel.
“The quantity of the heroin is not yet ascertained as we are still conducting  investigations and carrying out  inspection.”
He also stated that the  importer is not yet known as the container was not yet declared and no documentation had  been made on the container.
He said: “We are yet to uncover the person behind this, but I am sure before we conclude investigations,  we must unmask the person or persons involved.
“The goods originated from Iran and the last destination port of the vessel is Nigeria. So the question of the container being on transit is ruled out.”
Warikoru further said that the vessel arrived the port last Tuesday.
Also confirming the interception of the large quantity of hard drugs at the Tin-Can Island Port, Customs spokesman, Mr. Wale Adeniyi, said that about ten wraps of heroine each weighing 112kg had been off-loaded from the container.
It was also gathered that CMA-CGM, the shipping company that brought in the 13 containers of arms and ammunition intercepted recently at the Apapa Port, also brought the heroine-laden  container.

Osotimehin to head UN Population Fund

Osotimehin to head UN Population Fund

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has chosen former Nigerian health minister Babatunde Osotimehin to head the United Nations Population Fund, U.N. diplomats said Thursday.
Ban informed the fund’s executive board of his choice and called for reaction before making an official announcement, the diplomats and others familiar with the exchange said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because no announcement has been made.
Osotimehin, a medical doctor who specialized in clinical pathology, served as Nigeria’s health minister from December 2008 to March 2010 and is currently provost of the University of Ibadan’s College of Medicine. He studied medicine in Ibadan and at the University of Birmingham in Britain.
He would succeed Thoraya Ahmed Obaid of Saudi Arabia, an expert on women’s issues who cracked a glass ceiling for women in the Arab world’s most conservative nations. She has served as the fund’s executive director since 2001.
The world’s population is edging toward 7 billion people, up from 2.5 billion in 1950, with almost all of the growth expected in cities of less developed countries.
The 1995 U.N. population conference in Cairo changed the focus of the fund, known as UNFPA, from numerical targets to promoting choices for individual women and men, and supporting economic development and education for girls.
UNFPA supports countries in using population data to develop policies and programs to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted and every birth is safe. It also works to promote reproductive health, to combat HIV in young people and to promote equality for girls and women and economic development.

14 militants’ camps captured, John Togo flees

14 militants’ camps captured, John Togo flees

SSS makes public items recovered from Okah
See more photos here
By Emma Amaize, Samuel Oyadongha & Emma Arubi
WARRI — THE Joint Task Force, JTF, yesterday launched a major offensive on the hideouts of regrouped militants in the Niger Delta region, in response to the Federal Government directive, capturing 14 militants’ camps even as ‘General’ John Togo, the wanted leader of the Niger Delta Liberation Force, destroyed his own camp with dynamites and other explosives before fleeing.
The aerial bombardment of the “war zone”, according to security sources, began at about 2.00 p.m. with soldiers entering the creeks leading to the battle field, apparently to prevent the militants from escaping.
Vanguard gathered that the soldiers renewed the battle following the escape of John Togo during last Wednesday’s night raid on his new camp which led to the death of seven soldiers and a mobile policeman with 17 injured.
It was gathered that the casualty figure must have risen on the side of the militants as their initial expectation was for the soldiers to confront them in the marshy land which they were familiar with.
As at the time of filing this report, there was heavy gun battle with soldiers said to be having an upper hand and determined to dislodge the militants in line with the directive of the Federal Government.
Civilians in the neighbouring communities were said to have fled in droves since Wednesday night while those left behind ran into Ughelli yesterday to escape the gun duel between the soldiers and militants.
“We have to run for safety in Ughelli because bullets were flying all over the places in our communities. We want to avoid stray bullets from killing us,” a villager said.
It was gathered that more soldiers were also deployed to guard all oil installations as well as military barracks located in the twin cities of Warri and Effurun from an attack from the militants.
Heavily armed soldiers mounted security at the JTF Headquarters at Effurun checking movement in and out of the barracks while the Naval Base, Warri was also guarded by fierce looking naval personnel.
Coordinator, Joint Media Campaign Centre of JTF, Lt. Colonel Anthony Antigha confirmed the renewed fight in John Togo’s camp, saying they were determined to stamp out gangsterism and militancy in the creeks of the Niger Delta.
JTF won’t attack innocent people
Spokesman for the JTF, Lt Col. T.O. Antigha, has however told residents of the riverside communities to be calm and remain law-abiding as the task force had no plans to attack innocent citizens.
He said the mandate of the task force was to destroy militant camps, wherever they have sprung up or were springing up in the region.
No house burnt by JTF in Obotobo
Sector Commander of the JTF, Warri, Colonel Sarhim had to make a special arrangement for Vanguard on Wednesday to visit the militant camp the task force destroyed the previous day in a hamlet, near Obotobo I, following a claim that the community was razed  by soldiers.
Vanguard observed that no single house in the community was torched by soldiers. They only pulled down and burnt the new structures in the militant camp, which had earlier been destroyed by the JTF.
The ex-militant leader, Bonigawei who owns the camp, said fishermen were currently using the place that built the new structures to serve as shelter, but the task force said what they saw on ground was an indication of the tortoise returning to his old game.
Camps taken over by JTF
Among the camps seized by the special security forces were those operated by one Commander Obez in Rivers State, three in Bayelsa operated by one Keiti Sese popularly known as Commander Nomukeme (mad man) in Foropa enclave of the Southern Ijaw council area of Bayelsa State and another at Igbikiri in Nembe area of Bayelsa State.
Also occupied in Bayelsa by the security forces following voluntary handover witnessed by the Commander of the Sector 2, Col Victor Ezugwu, were camps formerly operated by Ebikabowei Victor_Ben otherwise known as Field Marshal (Boyloaf) and Commander Pastor Wilson Reuben in Ezetu, Ekene and Polama communities of Southern Ijaw council area.
The JTF, it was also learnt, are occupying the camp of John Togo and  Commander Opuye in Delta State.
Arms recovered
A total of 30,000 rounds of ammunition, dynamites, anti_aircraft rocket launchers, five machine guns and AK 47 were recovered in three separate operations launched in the three states.
The occupation of the camps by the security forces, it was learnt, was to prevent hoodlums from using the abandoned camps as base to carry out their nefarious activities.
In the Rivers and Bayelsa operations, the Commander of the Joint Task Force, Major General Charles Omoregie said there were no violent confrontations between the soldiers and the militants.
“There were no significant resistance and when the militants saw that attack was imminent, they extended an olive branch to the JTF,” the commander who spoke on phone said.
He described the current campaign as multi dimensional and not a few days operation which involved the continued patrol of the creeks to dissuade the return of the criminals identified among the militants.
He said those willing to give up their arms and collaborate with the Federal Government would be allowed to do so after they have been quizzed by the police just as he announced the arrest of six persons including an alleged cult kingpin in Southern Ijaw identified as Commander Dan over their alleged involvement in the attack on Nigerian Agip Oil Company, NAOC, facilities at Gbarain and Likogbene areas of Bayelsa.
‘General’ John Togo flees
Wanted leader of the Niger_Delta Liberation Force, NDLF, a militant group in Delta State,  “General” John Togo, whose fighters, Wednesday, engaged men of the Joint Task Force, JTF, on the Niger_Delta in a six_hour gun battle, and stalled an attempt by the task force to overrun his camp, yesterday destroyed his own camp with dynamites and other explosives before fleeing.
He, thereafter, relocated with his fighters and armoury to another hideout in the creeks just as the Commander of JTF, Major-General Charles Omoregie was strategizing with his men, yesterday, on how to capture him.
The Sector Commander, JTF,  Warri, Colonel Jamil Sarhim  who cordoned off major escape routes on the waterways between Bomadi and Burutu local government areas after Wednesday’s gun battle in preparation for the next offensive was said to be among the officers at the tactical meeting.
Community declares Togo an outlaw
Meanwhile, the people of Ogodobiri community in Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State,  hometown of John Togo, yesterday, declared him an outlaw and cautioned him not to step his foot on the community again.
Chairman of Ogodobiri community, Mr. Terry Youdowei, told Vanguard, yesterday: “John Togo is not from Ogodobiri community, it’s his mother that is from our community, he is from Ayakuromoh community in Burutu local government area, about 100 kilometres away, but because of him, soldiers came to destroy our community in 2004.
We don’t want that to happen again. We heard that the JTF is preparing to attack communities again because of John Togo.
“It is true he used to have a camp here, but he had since gone to open a new camp in Burutu. We don’t know him in Ogodobiri, he is not from our community, he is an outlaw as far as we are concerned and JTF should not attack us because of him again,” he said.
The community leader said there was nothing wrong in the Federal Government arresting him.
A councillor in Bomadi Local Government Area, Geofrey Didofa, who led some leaders of the community to intimate the Ijaw national leader, Chief Edwin Clark, about their worries, yesterday, told Vanguard  in Warri: “We don’t want what happened on June 11, 2004 to happen to us again, that is why we went to meet Chief Clark to tell him what we heard, that the JTF wants to attack us because of John Togo and we are saying that John Togo is not from Ogodobiri, they should arrest him but don’t attack us.”
President of the Ogodobiri Community Concerned Forum, Pastor Felix Okpe said: “The militant camp set up by John Togo is far away from Ogodobiri community. We will hand him over to the security agencies if he dares to enter this community in any manner to seek refuge.”
Another Ogodobiri indigene, Mr Gabriel Yabaku, told Vanguard on phone: “Ogodobiri is a peaceful fishing and farming community, about 60_100 kilometres away from where John Togo set up his militant camp. We appeal to the JTF not to attack our community, we don’t want to experience what we experienced in the past. Our community has declared him an outlaw and if we see him, we will ensure that he faces the law.”
Yabaku said the militant leader had been known to be a very bad person but when he came back recently and said he had accepted amnesty, and set up a farm in his area, people thought he had changed, only to convert the farm to a militant camp.
Why we bombed our camp – NDLF spokesman
Spokesman for the militant group, “Captain” Mark Anthony who confirmed to Vanguard at about 1.00 pm, yesterday, that the militant camp was blown up by militants themselves said: “As I am speaking to you now, our militant camp is on fire, our leader, General Togo ordered that the camp be blown up with explosives because we got information that the JTF was coming to attack Ijaw communities in the area under the guise of raiding our camp. We don’t want them to make innocent villagers their victims.
“The camp is just one block of building, our fighters are detonating bombs to destroy it by   themselves. The JTF should not say that they destroyed our camp, we destroyed it by ourselves, It is one of our camps and we are relocating to another camp. That is not to say that we are running, we are only relocating because of the danger our continued stay in the place would pose to market women, children and other residents in the surrounding communities if the JTF comes. We will give JTF our new address.”
Our grouse with FG
According to him, “our grouse, however, is not with the JTF; it is with the Federal Government and the way it is running the post-amnesty programme. President Goodluck Jonathan should reconvene a meeting of all ex-militant leaders to discuss the post-amnesty programme and agree on the way forward, we are notmilitants, we are freedom fighters.”
How we repelled JTF
On the Wednesday gun battle, he said: “The Joint Task Force, JTF, yesterday by 2.00 pm, 17th Wednesday 2010 launched another attack on one of our bases in Delta State in a commando-like manner in about fourteen (14) gun boats with an attempt to destroy the barracks. The encounter, although an impromptu one, but we were able to repelled them in a shootout that lasted over six hours.
“There are about four NDLF soldiers that sustained injury and to the best of our knowledge, JTF had more number of casualties than us. We are not running and nobody, even JTF soldiers too cannot stop us from doing what we are about to do.
The JTF soldiers ran when they could not stand our fire power. We are coming to the barracks to meet them anywhere.
Oil war
“We want to categorically say that our declaration of oil war is not about security personnel and at the same time not to discredit President Goodluck Jonathan. But there is the fact that with the president as an Ijaw man or Niger Deltan, it will not abate violence in the Niger Delta, when the grey areas of post_amnesty have not been addressed fully in a round table with the fighters of Niger Delta Struggle,” he said.
The group cautioned: “What the Joint Task Force, JTF, is doing is going to receive a reprisal action from us and the multinationals in Niger Delta region shall have themselves to be blame.
The Joint Task Force has said that we are criminals’ and not militants. For the record, we are neither criminals nor militants, but simply put, we are civil agitators or freedom fighters, resisting internal colonialism and slavery by the Nigerian government.
“It is also on record that the late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua gave an ultimatum 4th October 2009, for peace in Niger Delta and we accepted for reasons best known to us.
You don’t force people to accept peace without dialogue. Nigerian government, since last year, has not dialogued with the real freedom fighters. What the Federal Government is doing is by lobbying some handful of disgruntled elements with money and oil contracts.”
Let us see whether that is the type of amnesty President Yar’Adua dreamt for the Niger Delta and Nigeria.
The reprisal
Captain Anthony warned that if the JTF attacks Ijaw communities as was being speculated, the militant group would visit the land and launch a reprisal on military primary schools and other military locations

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nani apologises for preventing Ronaldo wonder goal



Nani apologises for preventing Ronaldo wonder goal

November 18, 2010
Portugal winger Nani apologised to team-mate Cristiano Ronaldo for denying the Real Madrid star a memorable goal in their side's 4-0 friendly mauling of world champions Spain.
Cristiano Ronaldo throws his toys out of the pram against Spain.
Cristiano Ronaldo was more left than a little miffed by Nani's intervention
• Fabregas apologises for thrashing
Captain Ronaldo looked to have put Portugal ahead with a superb effort in the first half, the £80 million forward cleverly turning inside Gerard Pique before scooping his shot over Real team-mate Iker Casillas.
The effort was dropping into the net but Nani raced in from an offside position to head the ball in from point-blank range, leading to the goal being disallowed.
And while Nani was initially admant that he was onside, the Manchester United winger admitted that, on reflection, his decision to put the ball into the net was an erroneous one.
"I touched the ball because I thought I wasn't offside," Nani said. "Everything happened so quickly. After having time to think about it I apologised to Ronaldo. It was a great piece of play and I shouldn't have ruined it.''
Ronaldo, who threw his captain's armband onto the pitch in anger after the goal was disallowed, felt the ball had already crossed the line before Nani got to it.
"I don't understand, even a blind man could see it was a goal, the ball was half a metre into the net,'' Ronaldo said in Marca. "I don't know if it's a coincidence or not but my best goals with the national team are being disallowed. I remember an overhead kick in the Bessa stadium which wasn't given.''
That incident did not end up costing Portugal dear as they would go on to record an emphatic victory over their Iberian neighbours, gaining some measure of revenge for their World Cup exit in the process.
Spain beat Portugal in the second round in South Africa before going on to be crowned world champions for the first time.
Nani, speaking to RTP, said of his side's victory in Lisbon: "The squad have been fantastic. It's an excellent group and we are united in trying to defend well and score goals.
"With the players that we have and when we are playing well, we are going to be capable of scoring a lot of goals to win matches.''
November 18, 2010
Portugal winger Nani apologised to team-mate Cristiano Ronaldo for denying the Real Madrid star a memorable goal in their side's 4-0 friendly mauling of world champions Spain.
Cristiano Ronaldo throws his toys out of the pram against Spain.
Cristiano Ronaldo was more left than a little miffed by Nani's intervention
• Fabregas apologises for thrashing
Captain Ronaldo looked to have put Portugal ahead with a superb effort in the first half, the £80 million forward cleverly turning inside Gerard Pique before scooping his shot over Real team-mate Iker Casillas.
The effort was dropping into the net but Nani raced in from an offside position to head the ball in from point-blank range, leading to the goal being disallowed.
And while Nani was initially admant that he was onside, the Manchester United winger admitted that, on reflection, his decision to put the ball into the net was an erroneous one.
"I touched the ball because I thought I wasn't offside," Nani said. "Everything happened so quickly. After having time to think about it I apologised to Ronaldo. It was a great piece of play and I shouldn't have ruined it.''
Ronaldo, who threw his captain's armband onto the pitch in anger after the goal was disallowed, felt the ball had already crossed the line before Nani got to it.
"I don't understand, even a blind man could see it was a goal, the ball was half a metre into the net,'' Ronaldo said in Marca. "I don't know if it's a coincidence or not but my best goals with the national team are being disallowed. I remember an overhead kick in the Bessa stadium which wasn't given.''
That incident did not end up costing Portugal dear as they would go on to record an emphatic victory over their Iberian neighbours, gaining some measure of revenge for their World Cup exit in the process.
Spain beat Portugal in the second round in South Africa before going on to be crowned world champions for the first time.
Nani, speaking to RTP, said of his side's victory in Lisbon: "The squad have been fantastic. It's an excellent group and we are united in trying to defend well and score goals.
"With the players that we have and when we are playing well, we are going to be capable of scoring a lot of goals to win matches.''

Judgement on Osun 2007 guber polls iminent

Judgement on Osun 2007 guber polls iminent

By Ola Ajayi
Final judgement in 2007 governorship election petition in Osun State between Action Congress of Nigeria, ACN, candidate, Engineer Rauf Aregbesola, and Governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola, may be delivered by the Court of Appeal sooner than expected.
The appellate court had resumed hearing of the matter last month and taken written addresses from counsel of both sides after which the lawyers addressed the court for about 20 minutes each.
In his submission, lead counsel to Rauf Aregbesola asked the court to declare Aregbesola the winner of the election after nullifying the results of the election in 10 local government area of the state.
He said: “There were massive irregularities in the conduct of the election,”  adding that Independent Natioal Electoral Commission, INEC, failed to reply to all allegation of irregularities and non-compliance with the provisions of the Electoral Act 2006.”
According to him, their alleged failure to challenge any aspect of the evidence tendered by the petitioner was tantamount to abandonment of their case
He added that Exhibit 92 which relates to Boripe Local Government, the 14,497 votes declared by INEC were more than the 12,631 voters that were registered and yet the lower tribunal which delivered its judgement on May 28 did not consider it.
In his counter argument, lead counsel to Governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola, Mr Yusuf Alli (SAN), said the appellant failed to plead the issue of over voting and that Aregbesola should not be allowed at this stage to change the rule of the game, adding that the evidence they adduced had not proved the case brought before the tribunal.
He said: “On the issue of Boripe, your lordship would see pages 62-71 of the petition that the issue of over voting was never pleaded. The appellant should not be allowed at this stage to change the rule when the game is almost over.”
Alli, however, faulted the cases of Kayode Fayemi and Segun Oni which Olujimi cited, saying the case was based on peculiar facts and circumstances.

Lagos pilgrim dies in S-Arabia, 3 hospitalised

Lagos pilgrim dies in S-Arabia, 3 hospitalised

By Olasunkanmi Akoni   & Monsur Olowoopejo
A 60-year old female  pilgrim from Lagos State to this year’s hajj, Mrs. Oni, popularly called Dangote, has died in Mina, Saudi Arabia.
Three other Lagos State pilgrims were hospitalised after eating the loaf of bread distributed by the state pilgrims’ welfare board for breakfast.
Dangote, a politician from ward “A” in Mushin Local Government Area of the state died in her sleep at about 1a.m. after observing prayers.
A source on pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia told Vanguard that Oni went into prayers after her dinner, only to be found dead few hours later.
A fellow pilgrim from Mushin, who spoke under anonymity said: “If not that I tried to wake her up for bath this morning (yesterday), no one would have known that Dangote had passed on.”
Mixed reactions
While few pilgrims, including the Senior Special Assistant to Governor Babatunde Fashola on Religious Matters (Islam,) Abdulhakeem Kosoko, regarded her death as a blessing to her because, “she died in the holy month and in the holy land,” others blamed it on the foods intake which they claimed were not too hygienic for consumption.
One of the pilgrims said: “If only the state government had not relied solely on the poor food provided by the Federal Government, she might not have died.”
Meanwhile, the body of Dangote which was taken away in an ambulance to one of the Saudi Arabian hospitals was rejected and returned six hours later. However, a higher medical delegation took her back to another hospital where she was accepted for certification.
Trading blames
On the three pilgrims hospitalised, the state government, however, denied any involvement in the contaminated food which it explained was sponsored by President Goodluck Jonathan to aid his 2011 election campaign.
The Special Adviser to the state Governor on Political and Legislative Bureau, Abdulhakeem Abdulateef, pacified the angry pilgrims in the tent of Surulere Local Government. He said: “Nigerians on hajj have always been fending for themselves.”
Abdulateef grieved that the event was taken over by the Federal Government through its Hajj Commission (NAHCON) leaving no choice for any state welfare board.
The bread, produced by Al Oumara Bakery Company, Saudi Arabia, holder of the Golden Europe Award for Quality in 2001, was immediately christened Bread Jonathan.
Abdulateef said: “President Jonathan has launched his 2011 election campaign, starting with Nigeria pilgrims to Saudi Arabia. We have gathered some of the bad bread and sent them to the Saudi authority and the NAHCON.”
It was discovered that the egg freely distributed on Monday at mountain Arafat was already spoilt, while the bread had also gone bad, thus risking health of the pilgrims.

Mixed reactions trail renewed militant attacks on oil installations

Mixed reactions trail renewed militant attacks on oil installations

By James Ezema
LAGOS — There have been mixed reactions to renewed attacks and threat to resume bombing of oil installations  in the Niger Delta region by militants.
While some believe it was a reflection of a failure of the amnesty project in the region, others said the post-amnesty programme is succeeding, just as others urged the Federal Government to be decisive in dealing with insecurity in the region, blaming it on the antics of politicians to create a sense of insecurity to score cheap political point.
MEND had claimed responsibility for attack on American oil giant, ExxonMobil facility in Akwa Ibom State, Sunday and threatened to resume full attack on oil installations in the Niger Delta, with Joint Military Task Force, JTF, beginning military operation in suspected militants hideout in creeks in the region.
Speaking on telephone with Vanguard yesterday, former NADECO chieftain and Coordinator of the Coalition of Democrats for Electoral Reforms,CODER, Chief Ayo Opadokun said: “The fact that the Nigerian state has criminally neglected  the Niger Delta area over the years, is a sufficient reason for inhabitants of that environment whose lifestyle had been eternally damaged beyond repairs to agitate for the correction of the anomalies in the place.
“One of the dividends of the amnesty is that those who were militants surrendered their weapons to government, so to say. Information has it that not up to 40 per cent of the war arsenals in their possession was eventually surrendered. So, the incidents you’re getting today are to confirm that they have not totally disarmed,” Opadokun said.
He maintained that “a major reason why the Niger Delta will remain as it is today is that these militants have been busy engaging in bunkering and bunkering provides them with hard currencies.
There is no amount that the Federal Government can give to them on monthly basis that will satisfy them. So, each time they are broke, they will like to do something to create a situation of confusion so that they will explore the situation for their own economic gains”.
On his part, former presidential candidate of African Renaissance Party, ARP, Alhaji Yahaya Ndu, insisted that the solution to the problems was a return to true federalism where governance emanates from a Nigerian people’s constitution.
He said: “At best, the amnesty programme can be palliative. Every right thinking patriot in Nigeria knows that the real solution to these thing will be the real Nigerian people’s government, emanating from a Nigerian people’s constitution, emanating from a Nigerian people’s conference. ”
Anything short of that will never give us a lasting solution.
On what must be done at the moment, Alhaji Ndu said: “Military operations can only make matters worse. Nobody will go to invest in a war zone; military operations will simply turn Niger Delta into a war zone which will be stupid for Nigeria to embark on now.
The solution is to plead with the people in the Niger delta and assure them that Nigeria will be turned into a true federation and beginning the process for it now. Anything apart from that is negative, unpatriotic and should be sanctioned”, he fumed.
However, the national chairman of the Foundation for Ethnic Harmony in Nigeria (FEHN), the body  training repentant militants under the federal government post-amnesty programme in skills acquisition and counseling at Obubra, Cross River State, Mr Allen Onyema, blamed the renewed attack on oil installations in the region on politicians who were trying to score cheep political point by creating a sense of insecurity in the area.
He insisted that the post-amnesty programme was not only on course but has also become a model for the whole world following the success recorded through the federal government’s amnesty programme.

Oil workers threaten to shut down production over 8 kidnapped colleagues

Oil workers threaten to shut down production over 8 kidnapped colleagues

By Victor Ahiuma-Young
LEADERS of the National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers, NUPENG, and their Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria, PENGASSAN, counterpart have threatened to pull oil workers from Akwa Ibom State and shut down the over 640 Barrel Mobil Producing platform in Eket by tomorrow should the  government fail to locate 8 workers kidnapped on Sunday night at Oso platform, in Akwa Ibom State.
The umbrella bodies for both the junior and senior workers in the nation’s Petroleum industry lamented that as at yesterday security was yet to be beefed up in the volatile and oil installations in the state and insisted that eight workers were kidnapped as against the seven that the Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta, MEND,  claimed to have.
President of PENGASSAN, Comrade Babatunde Ogun, who spoke to Vanguard on the plans of the oil workers’ unions following the abduction of the workers and the upsurge of insecurity in the Niger Delta region especially Akwa Ibom State, confirmed  meetings  with both the Akwa Ibom State governor and management of Mobil Producing over the matter.
According to him: “What happens is that as normal safety standard, any time we have people on the platform, we identify their number by head count. But after that incident of that day, we discovered that we had eight people missing. Nobody knows exactly what those that abducted them must have done with the eigthth person.
We are surprised that those that abducted them are claiming that they have just seven people.  We do not know what must have happened. Maybe one person  escaped from them or something terrible has happened. We do not know. But as far as we are concerned, we are looking for eight people on our platform.
Those people were there before the attack. We hope nothing terrible has happed to any one of them because after the attack, there were traces of blood and blood stains around the area.
The state of kidnappings  in Akwa Ibom is taking a very dangerous dimension and if care is not taken, the entire workers in the industry might be forced to pull out of the state.
However, we are engaging the government and today (last night). We are engaging the state governor, and others. But if by Friday, there is no clue to the location and safety of our members, we, both NUPENG and PENGASSAN,  would have no choice than that to pull out oil workers from the state and  shut down the over 640 Barrel of production from Mobil producing as a start. If the insecurity of our members continues, we will move to other locations.
You recall that in the past, we have engaged government on several occasions and till now, everything they promised are undone. When we looked at what it would cost Nigeria, that was why we did not embark on strike the last time we wanted to embark on strike.
But if speed boats can go as far as that in Oso off-shore location and kidnapped people without any resistant from government, that is security operatives, that tells us that our lives is in danger and that is why there is serious fear now engulfing the entire workers in that region. So, we have taken a decision that by Friday, if those workers are not located and safety ensured, we will have not other choice to pull oor members from the state.”
It could be recalled that militants on Sunday night attacked Exxonmobil Oso Gas and Condensate platform and kidnapped eight workers.
Vanguard gathered that the unspecified number of kidnappers stormed the platform in six speed boats and  attacked it shooting with various weapons of destruction for about ten minutes and shooting sporadically.
According to source, security at the platform initially responded for few minutes, but later stopped to prevent the whole complex being consumed by fire and did what is known as ESD, Emergency Shut Down as a precautionary measure.
At the time of this report, no communication had been established with either the kidnappers or the victims and there fears that the victims might have been take to Cameroon because the platform is close to a border town.
President of PENGASSAN, Comrade Babatunde Ogun, had explained that “the kidnappers that stormed the platform around 10pm last night with six speed boats armed with various weapons of destruction and shooting sporadically to the air and it only took the braveness and ingenuity of the staff to shut down the platform that has installed capacity of 80kb condensate and 60kb NGL ,as at this period we have not been able establish contact with the abductors.
At the time of this attack 74 people were on board while eight people kidnapped.”

FIFA suspend Amos Adamu for 3yrs

FIFA has suspended two executive members, Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii, accused of asking for money in exchange for World Cup votes – but cleared both of corruption.
Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii  were suspended from all football-related activity for three years and one year respectively.
Tahiti’s Reynald Temarii and Nigeria’s Amos Adamu will now be prevented from voting on the 2018 and 2022 hosts on December 2.
Both were found guilty of breaking Fifa’s ethics codes, by not reporting illegal approaches.
Adamu was fined 10,000 Swiss Francs and Temarii ordered to pay 5,000.
The pair were already under provisional suspensions after the claims emerged in an undercover Sunday Times investigation.
Four other former executive members who are still Fifa officials – Slim Aloulou, Amadu Diakite, Ahongalu Fusimalohi and Ismael Bhamjee – have also been suspended.
Adamu has already signalled his intention to fight the ruling, releasing a statement in response.
“I am profoundly disappointed with the ethics committee’s findings and had honestly believed I would be exonerated of any charges by now,” he said.
“I am innocent of all the charges levelled against me and I completely refute the decision they have made.
“As yet I have not been advised of the grounds of the decision but regardless, I will be lodging a full appeal against it with immediate effect.”
The decisions follow a three-day hearing of the world football governing body’s ethics committee.
Each member suspended will have 10 days to lodge an appeal.
The committee has also cleared joint 2018 World Cup bidders Spain/Portugal and 2022 bidders Qatar of claims they colluded to trade votes.
In terms of the corruption probe, Mr Adamu’s position was seen to be in greater danger because it is claimed he asked for money for projects to be paid via a family company.
Mr Temarii – who represents Oceania – insisted he was merely wanting to boost football facilities in New Zealand and was not seeking any personal gain.
Both men had denied any wrongdoing.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Administrative Assistant Vacancy at Resources and Trust Company Limited (RTC) – OND

Administrative Assistant Vacancy at Resources and Trust Company Limited (RTC) – OND

Administrative Assistant Vacancy at Resources and Trust Company Limited (RTC) - OND Resources and Trust Company Limited (RTC) is an Integrated Strategy and Business Environment Advisory Services Group that creates value for the business community through a holistic, innovative and resourceful approach. Resources and Trust Company Limited is recruiting ...

S Alex out for six to eight weeks


Alex out for six to eight weeks

November 16, 2010
Chelsea are facing a defensive crisis with the news centre-back Alex faces up to two months on the sidelines with a knee injury.
Alex will be out of action for six to eight weeks
Terry could be out for months
• Forum: Should Chelsea spend?
Chelsea used Branislav Ivanovic and Paulo Ferreira as an emergency pairing in central defence in the 3-0 defeat at home to Sunderland on Sunday as both Alex and Terry were unavailable.
Terry has since revealed he could miss a sizeable portion of the season due to a nerve problem in his leg and, with Ricardo Carvalho having departed for Real Madrid during the summer, the Blues are short of cover for the position.
The news that Alex is out means Chelsea could be forced to rely on Ivanovic, Ferreira and youngster Jeffrey Bruma for the remainder of 2010.
A statement on the club's official website read: "Alex has withdrawn from the Brazil squad to play Argentina this week and will undergo surgery on his knee.
"The defender missed Chelsea's games against Fulham and Sunderland due to his injury but joined up with his national side for Wednesday's game in Qatar.
"Further to the Chelsea medical team's diagnosis, the Brazilian national team doctors agree that further investigation via arthroscopic surgery is required on the player's right knee. That will take place over the coming days.
"He is expected to be out for approximately six to eight weeks."